Course Evaluation | Templates | Moaform: Free online survey platform with unlimited responses
Course Evaluation
Course Evaluation

The professor presented the objective of the course clearly before the class

The course content was structured in a systematic and attentive manner

The professor had expertise on the contents of the course

The textbook or material used in the course helped learning

The speed of progression for the course was appropriate

The professor lectured passionately

The content and amount of the assignments were appropriate

The professor was interested in how well the students understood the course

The professor presented a clear standard for academic assessment (such as tests) in advance

The professor was fair in the execution and management of academic assessments (such as tests)

The content of the academic assessment (such as tests) was appropriately structured to evaluate the level of academic understanding

Feedback was available for assignments and tests

There was smooth communication between the professor and the students

The professor treated the student with respect when proceeding with the course

This course improved my knowledge of the relevant area

How likely are you to recommend this course to a friend or colleague?

Please feel free to leave any comments you may have for this course